Porsche Voiture de rallye a vendre

2 item(s)
  • Porsche 911

    Porsche 911 / Rallye Voitures

    Insanity: 911 rally car at a competitive price Twin-ignition engine complete body re-welded Cell ready to rally For this price you can't even buy the single line This great Porsche 911 was converte...
  • Porsche GT3

    Porsche GT3 / Rallye Voitures

    PORSCHE 997 GT3 RALLY 2011 EX - PEDRO BURGO -Motor 3.8 480hp -Suspension Exetec - Caixa de velocidades sequencial Holinger -Tilton 4 disco de embreagem Mais informações: total_omw@hotmail.com...